Workplace Etiquette

Modern Leadership Lessons for Millenials from a Cross-Cultural Expert

By |2018-10-11T14:54:51-05:00May 4th, 2017|Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Cross-Cultural, Millennials, Modern Manners, Networking, Office Culture, Relationship Building, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

Although certain aspects of the modern work environment, these lessons are timeless tips for anyone seeking to become a professional leader.

8 Top Tips on How to Ask for a Raise

By |2018-10-11T14:54:54-05:00April 20th, 2017|Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Cross-Cultural, Modern Manners, Networking, Office Culture, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

Tips on how ask for that raise, negotiate to get what you're worth and earn more money.

6 Career Boosting Ways to an Environmentally-Friendly Workplace

By |2018-10-11T14:54:54-05:00April 13th, 2017|Career Tips, Culture, Gracious Living, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Office Culture, Workplace Etiquette|

In honor of International Earth Day on April 22, 2017, consider suggesting how to implement these Go-Green ideas in your workplace to positively contribute to our planet.

Ways to Observe St. Patrick’s Day if You Are Stuck in the Office

By |2018-10-11T14:54:55-05:00March 11th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Global Celebrations, Modern Manners, Office Culture, US Observances, Workplace Etiquette|

This year St.Patrick’s day is on a Friday this year, so here are 3 career tips on ways to observe the holiday within the workplace:

Guide to Post-Inauguration Etiquette: Graciously Handling Political Conversations

By |2018-10-11T14:54:59-05:00January 17th, 2017|Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business Etiquette, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, United States, Workplace Etiquette|

Whether you attended or watched the inauguration, we are called to be civil to one another as the new administration takes office. Keep these tips in mind when engaging in post-inauguration discussion to encourage diverse perspectives

The Do’s and Don’ts of Office Gift Giving

By |2018-10-11T14:55:02-05:00November 29th, 2016|Business Etiquette, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Lifestyle, Workplace Etiquette|

Some people on our list are easy to buy for- but what should you get for people in the office? This holiday dilemma can be tricky to figure out, but there are certain guidelines that one should always follow when purchasing gifts for coworkers or the boss. Eight expert tips for everyone wondering what to give to people in the workplace.

Office Holiday Party Do’s & Don’ts

By |2018-10-11T14:55:02-05:00November 21st, 2016|Business Etiquette, Holiday Parties, Holiday Season, Lifestyle, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

Every winter, business owners host formal and sometimes elaborate holiday parties. At the very least, excess celebration and etiquette mistakes can become fodder for next day stories and eventually legend for future parties.

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