Workplace Etiquette

Healthy Stress Needed in the Workplace

By |2018-10-11T14:54:37-05:00November 1st, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Culture, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Networking, Workplace Etiquette|

Keep in mind we need positive stress, called eustress. For National Stress Awareness Day, here are three examples of healthy stress in the workplace

How To Manage Disabilities in the Workplace

By |2018-10-11T14:54:37-05:00October 31st, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Cross-Cultural, Culture, Gracious Living, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

3 tips to act respectfully with people who may be different from you to promote your understanding.

5 Scary Office Halloween Mistakes for Millennials to Avoid

By |2018-10-11T14:54:37-05:00October 30th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Cross-Cultural, Millennials, Modern Manners, Networking, Office Culture, Social Etiquette, Social Media, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances, Workplace Etiquette|

Whether you’re heading to the office on October 31 or attending the annual office Halloween party, be sure to get these questions answered before the event. As a general guide, avoid these 5 scary mistakes many professionals make at their first Office Halloween.

National Food Day: How to Boost Your Health At The Workplace

By |2018-10-11T14:54:38-05:00October 20th, 2017|Career Tips, Culture, Dining, Gracious Living, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, October celebrations, Office Culture, U.S. Holidays, Workplace Etiquette|

Work is important, and so is health. Utilize these 3 steps to ensure you have a fit lifestyle to boost your physical and mental health and you’ll be more energized to tackle the week.

Get to Know Your Customers Day

By |2018-10-11T14:54:39-05:00October 17th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Cross-Cultural, Customer Service Etiquette, Gracious Living, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Networking, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Relationships, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

Customers are an important part of any business, they are the ones who help build the company and keep the doors open. Getting to know them and finding ways to keep them coming back is crucial to a successful business.

Pals, Pros and Plates in the Workplace

By |2018-10-11T14:54:39-05:00October 13th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Coffee, Cross-Cultural, Dining, Interview Etiquette, Modern Manners, Networking, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Office Culture, Workplace Etiquette|

Collaboration between colleagues in the workplace is encouraged and one of the best places to accomplish this is around food.

The Power of Positivity in your Career

By |2018-10-11T14:54:39-05:00October 11th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Career Tips, Culture, Gracious Living, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Networking, Observances - Monthly & Daily, October celebrations, Office Culture, Relationship Building, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

A positive thought can ripple outwards, impacting all aspects of a person’s day favorably. Similarly, negative thoughts can create detrimental ripples that persist throughout the day.

3 Simple Tools That Foster Workplace Positivity

By |2018-10-11T14:54:39-05:00October 10th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Career Tips, Culture, Gracious Living, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Networking, Observances - Monthly & Daily, October celebrations, Office Culture, Relationship Building, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

The right attitude can improve both your personal and work lives. While external factors might affect your mood, research shows that conscious behavioral change can transform attitudes.

How to Deal with Bullying in the Workplace

By |2018-10-11T14:54:41-05:00October 2nd, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Modern Manners, Office Culture, Workplace Etiquette|

October will be the eleventh anniversary of National Bullying Prevention Month. Workplace bullying can negatively impact your overall job satisfaction, productivity, and health. If someone is bullying you in the workplace, try implementing these tips to hold your ground.

National Coffee Day for Professionals: Cappuccinos, Cortados, and Classic Cups of Joe

By |2018-10-11T14:54:42-05:00September 28th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Business Etiquette, Career Tips, Coffee, Dining, Global Tipping, Gracious Living, International Holidays, Interview Etiquette, Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Networking, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Office Culture, Relationship Building, Social Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, Workplace Etiquette|

Offering quality coffee at work can result in healthier, happier, and more productive employees. On the 29th, take a moment to appreciate your java of choice. Partake in the nationwide celebration by posting a photo of your mocha, French press, cold brew, double espresso shot, or a mug of classic drip coffee on social media with #NationalCoffeeDay in your caption.

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