Workplace Etiquette

Modern Halloween Manners: 10 Trick or Treat Etiquette Tips

By |2018-10-11T14:55:05-05:00October 20th, 2016|Lifestyle, Modern Manners, Social Etiquette, Workplace Etiquette|

It’s that time of year for carving pumpkins, and for our ghosts and goblins to go trick or treating. As Halloween approaches, consider these modern manners tips: Safety: Younger children should wear reflective and light-up glow gear; and be accompanied by parents or a designated chaperone. Older children should trick or treat as [...]

Silence is Golden: 3 Cross-Cultural Communication Tips for Japan

By |2018-10-11T14:55:07-05:00September 12th, 2016|Bridging the Cultural Divide, Cross-Cultural, Japan, Workplace Etiquette|

From Bonsai to bullet trains, and tea ceremonies to tanshifunin postings, Japan is a country of contrasts in which the ancient and the ultramodern are seamlessly blended.

Workplace Etiquette, Part II

By |2018-10-11T14:55:18-05:00October 8th, 2013|Workplace Etiquette|

As promised, I present to you the final 4 tips on Workplace Etiquette that I outlined in a recent article for NSIDE Austin Business Magazine. Don’t be the one responsible for leftover cod and curried peas at your next working session! 1. Handle Problems & Discussions Privately: At the convention, Joe seems to live at [...]

Workplace Etiquette, Part I

By |2018-10-11T14:55:18-05:00October 1st, 2013|Workplace Etiquette|

Below is the first of two parts of an article I recently contributed to NSIDE Austin Business Magazine: The office was humming quietly. Our team was working diligently toward the deadline. It was getting late, but we were determined not to let the ever-growing task at hand overflow into the weekend. We each individually proof-read [...]

Guest Blog Post by Jay Remer, “The Etiquette Guy” – The Second Interview

By |2018-10-11T14:55:18-05:00July 29th, 2013|Business Etiquette, Canada, Guest Blog Posts, Workplace Etiquette|

It is my pleasure to welcome my well respected Canadian colleague Jay Remer, also known as “Etiquette Guy.”  Jay offices in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. Today, Jay shares his thoughts with us on tips for Second Interviews: Preparing for a first interview for employment, college placement, or a position on a board of directors [...]

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