
World Tourism Day

By |2024-09-27T07:43:56-05:00September 27th, 2024|'France, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, Austin, Author Reviews and Profiles, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Business Etiquette, celebrations, China, Chinese Culture, Concierge and Guest Services Tips, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Significance of Food, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Czech Republic, Dance, Dining, diversity, Earth, Environment, Estonia, Europe, Festival, Finland, France, Germany, gift-giving, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Tipping, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Greece, Hong Kong, Hosting duties, Hosting International Visitors, Houseguest Etiquette, Hungary, Hungary, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, International Travel Tips, Invitations, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Millennials, Modern Manners, Music, Muslim Culture and Traditions, Myanmar, Netherlands, Networking, New Zealand, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, Quality time, Ramadan, Relationship Building, Relationships, Religious Celebrations, Self-Awareness, Singapore, Social Etiquette, Social Media, South Korea, Spain, Strategic Planning, Sweden, Technology/Gear, Thailand, Travel, Travel Etiquette, Traveling Etiquette, TX Business Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, United States, University Students, US Observances, Volunteering & Mentoring, Women in Business, Women in the Workforce, Workplace Diversity, Workplace Etiquette|

World Tourism Day   By Sharon Schweitzer   Tourism has been a part of the human experience as long as there have been distant places to go and experience. It was originally the province of the wealthy, with travel being difficult and expensive, but it afforded opportunities to learn new languages, experience different cuisines, and [...]


By |2024-03-12T09:44:49-05:00March 12th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Bridging the Cultural Divide, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Traditions, Intercultural, intercultural competence, Interfaith, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Middle East, Middle East Culture, Modern Manners, Muslim Culture and Traditions, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Ramadan, Religious Celebrations, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

5 Intercultural Business Tips for the Holy Month of Ramadan 2024 Approximate 2024 U.S. Ramadan dates: the evening of Sunday, March 10, until the evening of Tuesday, April 9 This May, Muslims worldwide share in fasting, festive dinners, and faith. Ramadan is crucial to Islam, so we share key information that will be helpful when [...]

5 Cross-Cultural Business Tips for the Holy Month of Ramadan

By |2019-04-08T13:11:08-05:00May 2nd, 2019|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, celebrations, Culture, Intercultural, International Observances, Ramadan, Travel|

Abu Dhabi Arches by Pexels Approximate 2019 U.S. Ramadan dates: the evening of May 5 to the evening of June 4 This May, Muslims worldwide share in fasting, festive dinners, and faith. Ramadan is crucial to  Islam, so we share key information that will be helpful when conducting business with Muslim counterparts [...]

Eid Al-Fitr: A Time for Celebration

By |2018-10-11T14:54:48-05:00June 20th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Cross-Cultural, Culture, Gulf City, International Holidays, International Protocol, Middle East, Middle East Culture, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Ramadan, Wardrobe|

Although celebrations differ based on culture, the significance of Eid Al-Fitr remains constant across borders. Here are five fascinating festivities that are typically celebrated on Eid Al-Fitr!

From Dawn to Sunset: Honoring the Month of Ramadan

By |2018-10-11T14:54:50-05:00May 30th, 2017|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business Etiquette, Cross-Cultural, Dining, Global Celebrations, global competency, International Holidays, Middle East Culture, Muslim Culture and Traditions, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Ramadan|

Ramadan is a month that not only builds spiritual awareness, but is also seen as a happy and special occasion. Understanding how Muslims celebrate this holy month is integral to understanding a key part of the Islamic faith.

3 Cross-Cultural Business Tips for the Holy Month of Ramadan

By |2018-10-11T14:55:10-05:00June 16th, 2016|Cross-Cultural, International Holidays, International Travel Tips, Ramadan|

Is it possible for your business calendar and implementation schedule to be impacted by belief systems, philosophies and religions? It is not just possible, but probable.

Three Tips for Being Smart Cross-Culturally During Ramadan

By |2018-10-11T14:55:14-05:00July 18th, 2015|International Holidays, Ramadan|

Ramadan date: 2015: evening June 17th – evening July 17th Approximate dates 2016: June 6th – July 6th For most government organizations and government linked companies, time for Muslim prayer will have a bearing on meeting time. In addition, during the fasting month of Ramadan, they tend to dislike a meeting in the afternoon. ~Executive, [...]

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