
Celebrating National Sisters Day

By |2024-08-01T09:48:36-05:00August 1st, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Author Reviews and Profiles, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Czech Republic, diversity, Earth, Environment, Family time, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Millennials, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances, Women in Business, Women in the Workforce|

Celebrating National Sisters Day Sharon Schweitzer (left) with her sister Lisa (right) and her parents in Tampa, Florida    By Sharon Schweitzer   Your sister may be your twin, triplet, complete opposite, or a mix of something else! People say you look alike, but you don’t see it. You may have the same preferences or [...]

International Day of Friendship

By |2024-07-30T08:56:13-05:00July 30th, 2024|'France, Africa, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, China, Cross-Cultural, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Customer Service Etiquette, Czech Republic, diversity, Earth, Estonia, Europe, Family time, gift-giving, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Hong Kong, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Japan, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Modern Manners, Myanmar, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Singapore, Social Media, South Korea, Thailand, Travel, U.S. Holidays, Uncategorized, United States, US Observances|

International Day of Friendship   By Sharon Schweitzer   The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. The resolution places emphasis on involving young people, as future leaders, in [...]

World Tofu Day

By |2024-07-26T11:42:35-05:00July 26th, 2024|Africa, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Canada, Canadian Traditions, celebrations, China, Chinese Culture, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Significance of Food, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Dining, diversity, Earth, Environment, Europe, Family time, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Gracious Living, Hong Kong, Hosting International Visitors, Houseguest Etiquette, Inclusion, India, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Morocco, Myanmar, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Singapore, Social Etiquette, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Travel, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

World Tofu Day   By Sharon Schweitzer   World Tofu Day is annually observed on July 26th, in honor of tofu, a plant-based alternative to meat that is manufactured from soybeans. Tofu has seen a surge in popularity as more people switch to a plant-based diet. For vegans and vegetarians, it is particularly appreciated and [...]

Rational Harmony Day

By |2024-07-21T14:15:06-05:00July 21st, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Significance of Food, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Earth, Environment, Family time, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Hong Kong, Hosting International Visitors, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Travel Tips, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Myanmar, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Politics, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Travel, Travel Etiquette, Traveling Etiquette, United States, US Observances|

Rational Harmony Day   By Sharon Schweitzer   Singapore’s identity as a cosmopolitan nation has evolved‌. The first of two racial riots in six weeks occurred in Singapore on July 21st, 1964, resulting in 36 deaths and over 500 injuries. Many racist events that have recently gone viral have elicited strong emotions and soul-searching about [...]

National Fortune Cookie Day

By |2024-07-20T18:51:13-05:00July 20th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, China, Chinese Culture, Cross-Cultural, Cultural Significance of Food, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Environment, Family time, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Hong Kong, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Myanmar, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Relationship Building, Relationships, Singapore, Social Etiquette, South Korea, Thailand, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

National Fortune Cookie Day   By Sharon Schweitzer While these nuggets of enjoyment are most often found at the end of a Chinese meal, they didn't originate in China. The distinctively folded cookie began in Japan, where elegant desserts and folding techniques are quintessentially Japanese. However, in Japan, the fortune was tucked in the fold [...]

Cricket in the United States

By |2024-07-17T09:10:24-05:00July 17th, 2024|Africa, Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Australia, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, Canada, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Earth, Europe, Festival, Global, global competency, Global Traditions, Goals, Guest Blog Posts, Hosting International Visitors, Inclusion, India, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International Observances, International Protocol, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Olympics, Relationship Building, Relationships, South Africa, Sport Etiquette, Sports Manners, Travel, United States, US Observances|

Cricket in the United States   By Polina Anastassieva It is thought that cricket may have been invented during Saxon or Norman times by children living in the Weald, an area of dense woodlands and clearings in south-east England. Little boys bowled into either a tree stump or a sheep pen gate. The crossbar on [...]

Marine Day in Japan

By |2024-07-15T09:58:56-05:00July 15th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, avoiding international blunders, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, China, Chinese Culture, Cross-Cultural, Cultural Significance of Food, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Dining, diversity, Environment, Family time, gift-giving, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Hong Kong, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Modern Manners, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, Quality time, Relationship Building, Relationships, Singapore, Social Etiquette, South Korea, Thailand, Travel, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

Marine Day in Japan   By Sharon Schweitzer   Since 2003, Marine Day in Japan has been observed on the third Monday of July. Marine Day is a Japanese national holiday that aims to thank the ocean for its bounty. Considering that Japan is a maritime nation, the country and its people are heavily dependent [...]

South Asian Heritage Month

By |2024-07-09T11:20:25-05:00July 9th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, Customer Service Etiquette, diversity, Family time, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Traditions, Gracious Living, Hong Kong, Inclusion, India, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Myanmar, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, Relationship Building, Relationships, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Travel, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

South Asian Heritage Month By Sharon Schweitzer   South Asian Heritage Month is held annually from July 18th to August 17th to honor, recognize, and appreciate South Asian history and culture, as well as to comprehend the rich cultural legacy of countries and South Asia. It is also to better comprehend the various heritage of [...]

National Koi Day

By |2024-07-07T09:43:33-05:00July 7th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Asia, Asian Pacific, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, China, Cross-Cultural, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Environment, Family time, Festival, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Etiquette, Global Traditions, Hong Kong, Inclusion, Intercultural, intercultural competence, intercultural training case, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, Japan, Korea, Korean Celebrations, Language and Culture, Legends and Myths, Lifestyle, Malaysia, Myanmar, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Philippines, Self-Awareness, Singapore, Social Etiquette, South Korea, Thailand, Travel, United States, US Observances|

National Koi Day By Sharon Schweitzer   National Koi Day celebrates the Japanese Koi fish and brings attention to the exotic beauty of the fish. As a symbol of courage, patience, perseverance, and strength, the Koi fish has been celebrated in the Japanese culture for centuries. The word "koi" comes from nishiki-goi, which means colored [...]

Fourth of July Quiz

By |2024-07-05T12:01:51-05:00July 5th, 2024|Annual Monthly or Day Observance, Austin, Bridging the Cultural Divide, Business and the Environment, Business Case for Cross-Cultural Training, celebrations, Cross-Cultural, Cross-Cultural Tips for Doing Business in, Cultural Snapshot, Culture, Culture and Commercialism, diversity, Earth, Family time, Festival, Global, Global Celebrations, global competency, Global Traditions, Goals, Gracious Living, Inclusion, Indigenous Peoples, Intercultural, intercultural competence, International History, International Holidays, International Observances, International Protocol, International Toasts, Language and Culture, Lifestyle, Millennials, Observances - Monthly & Daily, Quality time, Quiz, Relationship Building, Relationships, Self-Awareness, Social Etiquette, Travel, Travel Etiquette, TX Business Etiquette, U.S. Holidays, United States, US Observances|

Fourth of July Quiz   By Sharon Schweitzer   With more than half of our U.S. population vaccinated in the U.S. and restrictions lifting across the country, we are looking forward to the opportunity to safely watch fireworks where it isn’t a fire hazard. We are ready for celebrations, friendships, poolside fun, and to fire [...]

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